
16.5 months

My sweet JW,

So obviously I haven't been keeping up with monthly updates like I did for the first 12 months, but I do make a daily note of funny, new things you're doing in my journal.  Here's what I want to remember about you lately:

You LOVE to be scared-we jump around the corner and say "Boo!" and you love it.  And when we scare you, you laugh so hard, just like your Poppy.  I keep trying to get it on video, but I'm always off with my timing.  You eat. ALL. DAY. LONG.  Seriously, you never stop.  And when we try to not feed you, you whine, whine, whine.  Usually you want your honey bunny grahams or craisins.  You've hated baths lately, but you like to play in and around the bathtub and shower.  You can pick up heavy things like pumpkins.  It's really funny to watch you carry them around.  You like to help us clean- you played with your vaccuum so much that you broke it, so now we're on the the Swiffer.  When you see exposed skin, you like to pinch and/or grab little arm/leg hairs.  You are a fantastic sleeper- you finally got past the "I like to wake up at 5 am" thing and now sleep until about 7.  Sometimes you take one nap and sometimes it's still two.  You say some words ('ba" for ball, book, boat; "ca" for car and cat; "mama," "dada," "mo" for more and milk; "wa wa" for water)- your main mode of communication is pointing, gesturing, whining, and saying "uuuhh" while looking in the direction of what you want.  We caught you saying butterfly ("baba-fie") on video.  It sure seems like you understand everything we say.  If we say, let's change your diaper- what do we need?" you grab a diaper, wipes, and the changing pad and bring it to us.  We basically thought you were a genius when you started doing this a while ago.  You like to stand at the top of the stairs and yell for Gramma in the morning.  You give the sweetest hugs and kisses and when you do, you make a little "aahhh" noise like you're so comfortable.  Sometimes you don't want to actually give us kisses (usually when you're in the middle of playing with something), so instead you lean in your head for us to kiss.  You're starting to climb- the couch, the chairs, your toys- all sorts of things you're not supposed to climb.  About a month ago, you became obsessed with your books.  You grab one you like, usually Brown Bear, Brown Bear or the Curious George one with the cut-out shapes, come over to one of us, sit your little butt in our lap, and open it up.  You love the picture of the lady in Good Night Gorilla when she discovers the gorilla in her bed.  This one:

You look at it over and over again and laugh and laugh.  You play the drums on almost everything- windows, doors, the floor, the toy drums.  You love the remote.  You watch "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood" with Gramma and you do "Ugga Mugga."  It might be the cutest thing I've ever seen.  We just switched you into size 5 diapers because your cheeks were hanging out of the 4's.  You keep growing out of pants and shoes, and you generally wear around 24 month/2T clothing.  Some of it's a little big, but most of it fits.  You can identify some of your body parts- your tummy is your favorite; you like to lift up your shirt and show it to us, but you also know how to point to your eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, hair, toes, hands, feet, and, um, your boy parts.  You discovered these not too long ago.  And let me tell you....the life-long fascination has officially begun.  If we didn't make you wear a diaper, we wouldn't need to give you toys, as you'd have plenty to keep you busy.  You get a devilish/"is it okay that I'm doing this" look on your face each time we're changing your diaper.  And speaking of, you're doing much, much better with diaper changes now.  I only have to hold you down about 20% of the time.  You still adore the pets and can be entertained for a good 8-10 minutes by simply chasing the cat.
I promise to write these more often, my sweet boy.  I love you to pieces!


I'm positive this was the first of so very many ways we will traumatize our child

Lynnie and I decided to have the boys get their first haircuts together.  I'd been putting it off, but after successfully pulling his locks into piggy tails, I knew I couldn't wait any longer. 

The day started off fun with lunch and a stroll around the mall to kill time before the appointments. 

They weren't able to accommodate our request for simultaneous cuts- apparently there's a shortage of hair stylists for babies.  Do you want to know why?  Because of kids like this:

The sucker- that I was reluctant to let him have- that she promised "worked for 90% of kids" and the Elmo movie were worthless.  The hair stylist behind us who was working on a perfectly behaved little angel girl's hair remarked, "Wow, he definitely wins the loudest lungs award."  Poor Susan the Stylist.

And poor, poor Ky who had to endure the horror of a haircut after first watching his BFF barely survive.

I hate the Lloyd Christmas look.  Bring on the clips and headbands-hippy baby will be back in a couple of months...

Halloween, a month late

Simba spent the early parts of Halloween watching a football practice with D:

...and most of the rest of the night in a book store in the mall- after escaping the throngs of kids and families on a mission for sugar- where he showed his best assets:

He did a little light reading on the presidential candidates; it was the week before the election, afterall.  Apparently the imcumbent's story was a bit dry:

Then he found something he liked...
...and was ready to take it home:
After 10 minutes of chasing him around like a crazed lunatic with my camera, he finally looked at me straight on and allowed me to snap a very blurry picture of his full ensemble:
Maybe next year we'll actually get some candy.

Mr. Peepers

This boy eats like his life depends on it.  Luckily he's not too picky about what we give him.  An apple will keep him occupied for a good 10 or 15 minutes, though not without a mess to clean up.  We don't even have to worry about cutting it up anymore- he eats it Mr. Peepers' style. 


...party in the back

We cannot hold out on a haircut any longer.  The boy is looking more like MacGruber by the day.  I'll keep the vest away for now. 

Last Saturday

I don't care how blurry this is...it's probably my favorite picture of him to date. 

He's starting him early

I love how seriously JW is taking this.  He looks like a crown has been placed on his head. 



I've been terrible about posting.  I'll try harder.  In the meantime, here's some love from the boy.


Stacie Lynn

Happy, happy birthday to the most generous and loving lady (yes, lady- we're old) I know.  I am lucky to call you my bestie. 

This picture is from the 90s.  Did I even have to say so?  Does my sexy backless dress give it away?  Perhaps the classy keg cups?  


Splish Splash

1 JW + 1/2 Mullin Twins = blackmail in 15 years. 

(The kid never stop eating or drinking, even in the tub.)

 Someone was thrilled to have new toys to play with.
And someone else doesn't have a twin to share things with, so...

Who says you can't play dress-up with a boy?

I would put him in this every day if he'd let me. 


I was wrong.

Watching the "Teach Me How to Dougie" instructional video in the kitchen in Whistler with 22 other girls doesn't actually make you the whitest girls on earth.

But being the daughter of George W. most certainly does...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMO3zsQrTF8  (you just need to watch from :45 on.)


Goodbye, July

So much to post.  Due to lots of family in town and stupid computer problems, I haven't been able to write about the most important days of the year.  A birthday.  A birthday party.  Another, not-as-exciting birthday.  An anniversary, part one. And an anniversary, part two.  All of this within 14 days.  More to come...


I'm the luckiest of all girls- I get to celebrate two anniversaries with Mr. B.  The church one and the beach one.  One a bit sweeter; the other a bit more fun.


Him- handsome, confident, beaming, like he always is.  Me- trying to hold back my tears so I would still be a pretty bride.  I love that we walked down the aisle together, both ways.  How untraditional, huh?  He also tied the bow on  my dress when I was getting ready.  I carried a thrown-together bouquet of flowers from Safeway with my Grandma Katie's rosary.  To be honest, I think I tried to play off the 25th like it wasn't that big of a deal- figuring I'd be more excited, nervous, anxious, etc. on the 27th when everyone would be there.  I was wrong.  I remember thinking I'd keep my cool, but the second we started walking together and I heard the music, I lost it.  I made eye contact with Stace, and, with tears in her eyes, she wagged her finger at me to stop crying.  At the front of the aisle, I felt at peace.  Father Jim made us (I mean MADE us) memorize our vows.  "But can we take a cheat sheet in case we get nervous," we asked a few days prior.  "Nope," he replied.  But we both did it.  And didn't screw up.  He got a little teary.  I got a lot teary.  And it was perfect. 


Fast forward two days later...the vibe was much different.  The boys came back from golfing about 25 minutes before we were due to take pictures.  They were still ready before all of the girls.  I was almost giddy walking down the aisle- no more nerves. 

What else comes to mind?  nine beautiful bridesmaids; nine handsome groomsmen; Father Dave- the best internet-ordained minister two people could ask for; a guy using his shoe as a phone; double-dutch dancing; bridesmaids and Joe in the pool; bridesmaid dresses in the Mexican ocean; wild Poppy dancing; my poor dad witnessing a few people who had far too much to drink; lots of little girls in beautiful dresses; AMAZING food; inappropriate music; one pissed off wedding planner; Coronas, Coronas, Coronas; dancing to The Beatles with my dad;  mariachi band; watching the last 15 minutes of the party from the deck with D.

A wild wedding if there ever was one...


Stache Bash

We threw a good ol' fashioned stache bash for our boy a mere 23 days after moving to our new pad (nothing like throwing a party to get those boxes unpacked):

(This is a complete and total rip-off of a pinterest picture.  Don't judge- the wreath is cute.)

(The shirt was a rip-off, too.  Have you guessed that I'm not very creative?)

Mustaches galore!

Pretty ladies.

A blast from the past.


Lots of family.  (KiKi's making some of her famous "konfectionaries" in the bottom right corner.  As one guest put it, the mini pies were "God's work."  Well done, KiKi.)

Someone was really happy to be hosting his boy's party.

Dads with babies and beers.

JW's not sure about Auntie Chanel's sunnies.

Gramma was Jack and Ky's favorite person- the power of Cheerios is nothing to mess with.

"Don't mind if I do."

Not impressed with mom's attempt at a cupcake cake. 

The littlest party guests.

Happy birthday, Jack Wyatt.  We love you!


12 Months, One Year, 52 Weeks

Dear JW,

My dear, sweet belated birthday boy....by now you've probably come to realize something about your Mama- I'm rarely, if ever, on time.  I hate this about me.  It's a terrible quality to possess.  I have all the confidence in the world that you'll take after your militant-like dad and be the first one to show up wherever you go.  Though this letter wasn't written on your birthday, it was completed within your 12th month which must count for something. 

I could go on and on about how fast this year went by, how I can't believe you're not considered a baby anymore, etc., etc.  Instead I will just say this: thank you for helping me discover a love I never knew existed.  You have made me a better person- more sensitive, more understanding, much more mushy.  Looking back, I am positive I never really got what people meant by the term, "a mother's love."  There just isn't anything that compares.  I am absolutely, 100% crazy for you. 

I love your wispy hair, especially when it curls up over your ears.  I love your blue- with a touch of hazel- eyes.  I love your expressive brow.  I love your big, full lips.  I love the way your little tongue sticks ever-so-slightly out of your mouth, just like your dad.  I love how chunky your thighs are.  I love how you roll your feet around when you're tired or really want something.  I love how you laugh when other people are laughing- a great quality to possess.  I love how much you love other kids.  I love how observant you are- I think you'll be a details guy, just like your dad.  I love how you stop and listen for sounds, especially when we're outside.  I love how much you love Tar and Amelia.  I love your "happy bird" laugh, the one we usually only hear after you've spotted Amelia.  I love how you give hugs and snuggles and big, open-mouthed kisses. 

I love you, little man. 

xoxo,  Your Mama


Happy birthday, sweet boy

You are loved beyond words, adored beyond measure.



A year ago tonight I went to SoCal dinner at Steph's where we ate Papa Murphy's pizza and Margie's delish salad. I thought I might have been having contractions. I was right.

I went home, spent some time with D, and went to bed.  At 12:42 I woke up to, what else, pee. But then I felt like I had to do more than that. I tried and tried with no success, went back to bed, but didn't want to wake D, so I went downstairs to watch tv. I couldn't sit still so I googled "what does labor feel like." I read a yahoo answer that described exactly how I was feeling. Even still, I was in denial. My mom wasn't coming for five more days because we were convinced there was no way I would have him early, so, logically, he was going to stay put for five more days.

I flipped and flopped on the couch; tried to go the bathroom over and over again; finally, I sat on the yoga ball to bounce or do some stupid move I learned in our labor and delivery class. Rather than me popping the ball like I worried about, the ball popped me.  Broken water, all over the place, just like in the movies. I waddled upstairs to let D know it was time.  It was almost 2am on the dot.  I'll never forget the look on his face- as he is with just about everything in life, he looked confident, excited, and completely ready to go.  I don't know how I was expecting to feel, but I certainly didn't think I would be as calm as I was. 

After changing my pants six times (no one tells you when your water breaks that it's like a freakin' faucet), we headed out the door. 

The rest of the story is too long to get into in a single blog entry, but it was eventful, as all birth stories are.

In five minutes it will be my boy's first birthday, but I wanted to take the time to remember the events leading up to 10:13am on 7/13/11...


Quatro de Julio

I don't know what's up with my Spanish titles lately...

Jack Wyatt's first 4th was a big day, and not just because it was the first day it actually felt like summer. 

He kissed a boy:

And he took two and a half steps on his own!

Mi Casa es Su Casa

We've been in our new house two weeks and I never even gave our old home, neighborhood, or neighbors a proper good-bye. 

To our neighbors three doors down who kept their Christmas lights up all year and the other neighbors around the corner who kept a pumpkin in their front window from October to October, thank you for your festive nature, and good-bye.

To the teenage boy who washed his parents' cars every. single. Saturday morning.  Good work, and good-bye.

To the woman two doors down who wore a different wig for each day of the week.  You are lovely, and good-bye.

To our next door neighbor "boy" who I thought never grew in four years but actually was three different boys, please don't throw garbage in your new neighbors' yard or taunt their sweet dog, and good-bye.

To the Hasidic Jews down the street.  You are the happiest, most beautiful, kind, and fulfilled people I've ever observed.  I hope to raise my children to be as well-behaved and content as yours, and good-bye.

To the neighbors directly across from us who we never spoke to until we brought Jack home from the hospital and then who completely spoiled us with food, baby clothes, and gifts- we will never forget your kindness.  Thank you tremendously, and good-bye.

I will miss our pretty bathroom.  I will miss the park across the street.  And probably not much else.

I will always love this house because it's where I found out I was pregnant, and it's where we brought home our son for the 11 and a half months of his life.

Good-bye, funnily-designed house. 


11 Months

How can there only be one more month to go in your baby-hood?  In less than a few weeks, I will be the mom to a toddler.  My mind is blown. 

What I want to remember about you from past month:

- You weigh 25.5 lbs with clothes on.

- You're wearing 18-24 month clothes- I can't keep up with how fast you're growing. I leave for work and your pants fit; by the time I get home, you're ready for a flood.

- You hardly let us feed you anymore- you pretty much insist on doing it yourself.  Your Papa, AKA Cleany McCleanerson, shutters with each one of your flung spoonfuls of yogurt and dropped cheese.

- You love to open and close, open and close, open and close doors and drawers.  Sometimes you get mad when you're sitting in the way of the door.  You haven't figured out that you only have yourself to blame. 

- You've completely given up the army crawl and taken to being a super-speedy regular crawler.  This is, of course, when you're actually not standing, which is hardly ever these days. 

- I think you're close to walking, but maybe you'll take your time.  I'd be okay with that.  Really.

- You even like to stand when you're supposed to be sitting in shopping carts.  Regardless of how tight I strap you in, you are a ninja and always escape.  Apparently the surrounding food is just too tempting.

-  You're trying to figure out what clapping is all about, but you're not too interested. 

- You "talk" a lot- mostly babbling, but you also pepper in "Mama," "Dada," and  "kitty" (sounds like "kkkkkeeeyyy"); you also make a hissing-like noise at Amelia and Tar.  It's cute.

-  You are, however, much, much more interested in books.  I think your Papa is reading a book with you about natural beauty remedies in this pic:

(Bananas in your hair?  For reals?)

- The two of us flew solo, Sea-Tac to Logan.  3,073 miles by myself with a little person who doesn't like to sit still:

I didn't really think about how terrifying this would be until a few days before we left.  Your Papa thought I was nuts. Turns out you were pretty awesome- and just about everyone on the plane let you know it.  Thank God for the extra middle seat on the way out- which I unabashedly claimed as my own- and for the sweet, generous man sitting next to us on the way home who was perfectly fine with you kicking him while you soothed yourself to sleep (another thing you do these days- usually it's just with your left leg), nawing on his extra iPhone case, and eating his cheese- he even went to far as to offer to hold you to give me a break. 

- The trip to Boston was quick, but so worth it. 

You spent some time with your Grampie and Kiki:

Watched two of your besties get baptized:

Got seriously loved on by some doggies:

(Finally!) Met and talked shop with Uncle Ry:
                                                       (See Ry trying to make a little Republican out of you?  You look like you're seriously contemplating it.)

Met and hung out with Auntie Cathy, Uncle David, and Emily- they had to meet you in person to believe that a boy was acutally produced on this side of the family:

And finally, your Grampie taught you another way to clear out your snot.  Take that, NoseFrida!

- You had MAJOR sleep regression for a couple of weeks. I'm talking worse than newborn-type sleeping. I didn't know if I'd survive. But I did. And I still love you a lot.

- Your top teeth popped through and you look so different. SO old. 

Jack Wyatt, you are loving.  You are funny.  You are curious.  You never sit still.  You sometimes are so very, very serious.  You are the sweetest part of each and every one of my days, and I love every single thing about you.  I don't want you to grow up so fast, but I love watching who you're becoming.  I love you, sweet boy!