Dear JW,
Six months old? How can it be? (And for over a week now...if I don't get this letter done tonight, you're going to hurry up and turn seven months old on me.)
It seems like yesterday I was googling "how to take a shower while caring for a newborn." Now we're about to set up baby gates and child-proof the house. Here are some of the happenings in our world over the past month:
- You had quite the growth spurt since your last check-up. You're 17 pounds, 12 ounces (50th percentile) and 28.25 inches long (95th percentile). You've grown 8 inches in 6 months- good God, child! I think you're taking after your Poppy.
- You're sitting up all by yourself. We still don't trust ourselves to go very far because sometimes you reach for something a little too far away and topple over.
(You could do this even if you weren't in the chair.)
- It seems like you're thinking about crawling- we like to taunt you by placing your toys out of your reach to see what you'll do. Mostly you get frustrated, but sometimes you move your chunky legs around like you're trying to get them to do something. The other day you did the worm when you were trying to reach an empty Starbucks cup (AKA, one of your favorite toys).
- You are laughing, like, really laughing out loud. We don't always know what it will take to get you to do so- usually an exaggerated nibble on your neck or your toes or your thighs will work- other times it's a visit from your good pal Mike. (See video from the other day...) A few days ago it was my hair (See video that will be posted shortly after this...).
- Separation anxiety has set in a bit, so we play peek-a-boo to let you know we're not gone for good.
- You eat oatmeal for breakfast and love every bite. You'd probably eat three times as much as we give you if we tried.
- You make a noise that's a cross between shock, excitement, and choking. It stops me in my tracks and I hate it!
- You continue to be fascinated with Amelia and Tar. You're a little hesitant to pet them, but you love watching their every move.
- As much as I dreaded sleep training, (thinking you would cry for hours and hours and vomit and hate me forever) rocking and nursing you to sleep for no less than an hour each night, then attempting ninja-like moves to get you into your crib without waking you was becoming an impossible task. You took it like a champ- hardly any crying at all- and we're all sleeping a little bit sounder.
- We celebrated our first Christmas as a family of three. Nearly every present under the tree was for you and you could have cared less. "Give me wrapping paper or nothing at all!"
(You were not a fan of the owl hat...)
Jack Wyatt/ Little Man/ Bud/ Little Boy/ Buddy/ Baby Boy/ Sweet Boy/ My Sunshine/ Baby Love/ Snuggle Muffin/ Son/"The Boy"...we simply couldn't love you more. You are everything we ever dreamed of when we imagined having a baby, and then some. You have brought more love and joy to our lives in these last six months than I ever thought possible. You make us laugh, you make us smile, and there's nothing we wouldn't do for you. We can't wait to see what the next six months bring...
Your Mama
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