
Christmas with J and L

Baby J and Baby L's First Christmas
(outfits sponsored by Gramma/ Great-Aunt Toni) 

Baby J and Baby L are second cousins and were born within three hours of one another.  Hooray for birthday twins!  Therefore, they will be subjected to years of wearing coordinating outfits and taking pictures in the same chair. 
J and L: "Okay, let's get this over with."

L: "I'm ready for my close up."
J: "Wait, what are we doing?"

L: "Cheese!"
J: "I didn't sign up for this."

L: "Come on, J, just go with it. And look to the right this time."
J: "Fine.  But this is the best I've got."

L: "Are we taking another one?"
J: "Are we done?"

L: "Hold up! What's this?"
J: "Who is she again?"

L: "OMG-You have pants with built-in shoes?"
J: "Can somebody get me out of here?"

L: "These are SO cute."
J: "How much longer do I have to scowl before someone will take me away?"

L: "And your Brian Boitano vest is so classy."
J: "She's getting closer..."

L: "Oh, did you need us for another one?"
J: "What am I still doing here?"

L: "Um, I think J might lose it".
J: "I'm thisclose to losing it..."

L: "Soooo, this is awkward."

L: "What did I do?"
J: "Look what you've done!"

L: "What's up with this kid?"
J: "Oh, the horror!"

L: "Dude, just chill."
J: "I don't wanna."

L: "Let me have a look at those pant-shoes again."
J: "If you must."

Until next Christmas, or perhaps their double-birthday party?


  1. Oh Katie, the captions made me laugh even harder than the pictures. It will be so fun to watch them grow up together.

  2. I love these pictures so much! You captured the emotions perfectly. :) And I can't wait for their double-birthday party! We should start brainstorming soon. :P
    -Mama of Baby L

  3. I am laughing so hard at the captions. Perfect!
