
5 Months


Baby J turned five months this past Tuesday- I can't believe it!  I'm sure I'll say that every time the 13th of a month passes...

He does something new each day, I swear. Over the past month, we've seen the following:

- He's able to easily pass things from one hand to another.  Today I swear he threw his small football from one hand to the other (I swear!). 

- He can hold his bottle, though I don't see this very often because he never has one when I'm around. 

- He's finally acknowledged and taken an interest in Tar and Amelia. 

- He gets pissed when toys (and non-toys that he likes to play with- usually paper or chip bags or anything that makes a crinkly noise) are taken from him.

This is the face we typically get:

- He waves good-bye in the morning (with help and encouragement from Grandma) when we leave for work (it simultaneously breaks and melts my heart).

- He would never nap again if we let him.  (This has driven mama to the brink of insanity.  If you ever need a book on baby sleep, come to my library.)

- He continues with his daily workouts that consist of baby crunches, which is why I think...

- ...He's thisclose to rolling from his back to his belly- he just can't figure out how to tuck him arm in close enough.

- He eats SO MUCH when I'm at work in the morning.  The lactation consultant I talked to said it was probably because he's missing me.  That comment really helped with the guilt of returning to work. 

- He seems to be getting interested in food- he usually looks offended that we aren't giving him any of what we're eating.  He'll give us a look like this:

                                       ("Seriously?  You're not even going to give me a bite?")

I don't know if we'll be able to hold out another month with just mama's milk...

-  We think he's been teething since just before his four month appointment, but we've yet to see any chompers. Poor guy.  Until then, our fingers, cold washcloths,  and Sophie will have to do.

                                                              (See, he thinks I'm going to take it away from him.)
                                                                                        (So relieved to keep her!)   

- Though middle of the night feeding are a killer, they've recently become a little more bearable because he's been reaching his arms out for me.  Sweetest. thing. ever.  (He's already learning how to work me.)

-  He gets SO excited to see D when he comes home from work at night- he absolutely lights up.  He's fascinated with Dad now-a-days. 

And quite possibly the best part...

- His eyes are still blue, which means some day, someone might think he's actually my child!  Bonus: his hair is lightening up, too: 

Maybe my Scandanavian genes are winning? 

He's getting to be so much fun and I can't wait to see what this month has in store for us.  First Christmas as a family of three...can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. I love those facial expressions!! Cant wait to see him on Monday. How is he 5 months already!!!
