Ten Months
Considering it's officially June, and the boy is now closer to 11 months, I should probably get this 10 month post posted.
Double digits. I can't believe it. Is it selfish that I'm sad? It's bitter-sweet- so fun to watch him grow big, and so sad that he's not my bitty baby anymore...
Things I want to remember about this past month:
The Burt Reynolds pose. He twists around his feet for comfort- sometimes when he's hungry and sometimes when he's tired. He also tugs at his sideburns when he's dozing off to sleep. He has become the world's craziest nurser- he stands up/crawls/or faces me head on while eating, and never for more than 11 seconds at a time. He just does not want to sit down- he pulls up on everything, even my legs. He's crusing all around the house and crawling all over- we called him "Danger Baby." For a couple of weeks, I could mezmerize him with a nighly, post-tubby baby massage. He will walk if we hold his hands. Like every baby at this age, he's a magnet for anything he's not supposed to touch- cords, vases, dog bowls (someone was pissed when he tipped over his 118 lbs. dog's water bowl which is actually the size of a painter's bucket), pantry items. Just when you think you have everything baby-proofed...He's not very interested in his toys these days. We've moved away from purees and on to more and more people food- aside from the pinch of plain steal-cut oatmeal I gave him about five months ago that he thought was poison, I'm not sure there's anything he doesn't like. He especially loves the smoothies we make in the mornings. He's trying his damnest to be BFFs with Tar and Amelia. He's won Tar over with his spilled food, but Amelia is threatened. He wears mostly 12-18 month clothing, and weighs 23.7 lbs. He is so very, very vocal- yayaya, dadadada, gagagaga. He's started making a face and a sound simultaneously- we call it the "ooouuuoohh" face. It's not "ooouuuoohh," like "ooh, that's cool." It's more like "ooouuuoohh, no you di'int." (Did you know that's the proper spelling of di'int? I cross referenced Urban Dictionary to be sure.) He still only two teeth, but we're pretty sure the top four are coming in as well. He freakin' LOVES cheese- can't shovel it in his mouth quickly enough- he is his mother's son. He's starting to get more interested in books (be still, this former English teacher's beating heart!) but mostly just the front and back covers.He will stand for a few seconds at a time by himself; he learned quickly how to fall on his butt. I saw a brand new, 4-day-old baby and I longed for another. I know. Already. I'm out of my mind.
I wish I could record every single thing he does so I don't forget...
Jack Wyatt, you are the very best thing that ever happened to me and your papa. We love you more than all the stars in the sky. Wanna know a secret...we watch videos of you after you go to bed because we miss you- how nerdy is that?
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